Friday, 9 November 2012

November Babies

Bit late as i couldn't get logged in!!!! but here it is November Babies and......


Dan Miller 5th Nov

Louise Chappell 7th Nov

Timi Veerasamy 9th Nov

Tracey George 19th Nov

Monday, 8 October 2012


Well a few members have been inspired by this years Strictly or maybe just being stupid or losing the plot?

David Goodson and his partner Kay Nine will be dancing to Who Let The Dogs Out!!

While Tracy Oliver dances to Material Girl!! (Dagenham Material that is)

But i get the feeling there will be worse pictures to come from........


So here's some pictures to get you in the mood :-)

Just some slight uphill's and downhill's :-)

And don't go too near the edge!!

Yes its a hill to start with but don't worry you can see Nigel here :-) 

but this view looks worse lol

But hey not to worry that's only 1 hill!!! and we don't even know what the weather will be like yet?

But we will all be fine??

We Hope!! Not Long NOW!!

Anyway here's a couple of songs to get you in the mood :-)

and then the song for when you finish :-)

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

October Babies :-)

HaPpY BiRtHdAy to.....................................

Sian Wilkins 10th October

Malcolm Dennis 12th October

Doug Adams 16th October

Alan Potter 23rd October

Jackie Frewin 28th October 

Have a great birthday all...................................

Saturday, 1 September 2012

September Babies!!

Well here we are in September!! Soon be Christmas :-/ lol Might also get around to post something else on this blog if i get any free time!! Sorry been slacking lately lol

Well its birthdays time again!! This month we have........

Me ol Muckka Joanne "Whippet" Barker on 6th Sept

Kaz Hurrell proving you can drink and drive and not spill any on 7th Sept

Sam Rahman already in his birthday suit on 10th Sept

Deb Veysi in her racing gear!! on 13th Sept

Jason Baker in his... well not sure what exactly but thank god he is covered up on 24th Sept

and finally the Champ herself, the amazing 88 Superwoman Caroline "Flyer" Tuck on 25th Sept

Happy Birthday to all this month and if ive missed anybody tough, i go by facebook so if your birthday is not listed on your profile its your own fault lol

Till next time.............

Wednesday, 1 August 2012

August Babies :-)

Its that time again, August Babies, and a very happy birthday to.......

Melissa Embery 1st August

Tracy Coates 3rd August

Mick Pegnall 3rd August

Gary Cardnell 5th August

David "Shrek" Goodson 5th August

Julie "Moulin Rouge" Cardnell 12th August

Kerry Rackham 25th August
I think Kerry needs a new shirt, surely it should read Dagenham or she is in the wrong team!!!

Sam Veerasamy 27th August

 Mike "Bring Me Sunshine" Linstead 28th August

Happy Birthday All..........

Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Captains Corner & Olympic Torch Relay

Captains Corner

Hi All :-) this month we would like to take a moment to welcome some of our newer members to the club. A few have already donned the club vest at recent races which was great to see :-)
So please give them a BIG warm welcome and encourage them in training sessions and future races.

Aimee Marler, Anastacia Sterling, Bernard George, David Lillywhite, Deborah Veysi, Jane Swanson-Sprent, John Power,  Kerry Rackham, Kevin Brown, Joanne McFarlane, Kresh Veerasamy, Nicole Norman, Riley Cullum, Sandy Goodson, Sharon Robinson, Suzanne Castle, Tracy Hayes and Tracy Oliver
First of all many thanks to everyone for contacting us regarding what races they have entered and letting us know their results. Keep them coming at or on the dedicated D88 facebook page, this helps us to provide the press officer Chris Howlett with all the information needed to send in the weekly Dagenham 88 Runners report to the B&D Post and Mike Linstead to update the club website accordingly.
The Dagenham 88 5 mile ish ELVIS Race took place on 17th June. The event took place with some last minute changes and we would like to personally thank all the volunteers who helped out on the day. Without you the race could not have taken place. We had a few hiccups, which we can improve on for next year’s race. We had a good turnout of runners and are placed excellently in the Elvis league in both the Men's and Women's tables. So a big well done to all that ran. Next Elvis race is Wednesday the 18th of July 2012 – The Ilford Hilly 5 – Hainault forest 7.30pm start!!!!

Get To Know Your 88's

Each month we will ask a member of the 88's to answer a few questions about running.
This month’s Q&A is

Ian Cummins

1) When and Why did you take up running? 
22 Aug 2008 - I went to Weight Watchers with Caroline my wife (Jan 2008) and for exercise we progressed from Walking to Power Walking to Jogging... We were doing 7 miles by Christmas... 1st race Victoria Park 5 in March 2009, Tewkesbury Half in May 2009.

2) Do you have any pre-race meals or rituals?
My pre-race meal is Turkey Tagine with Bulgar Wheat and poppadums with Strawberry & Yoghurt Meringues for pudding...NO BOOZE. Pre-race ritual - try and remember to Vaseline my boobs & inner thighs... Gets a bit sore otherwise!!

3) What is your favourite race and distance?
Favourite Distance - Half Marathon; Favourite Race - Tunbridge Wells Half

4) What is your best achievement to date?
Best achievement is running and keeping on running... Race wise 3:50:41 in Halstead marathon after missing 5 wks training due to chest infections & injury.

5) What do you hope to achieve in the next 12 months?
In the next twelve months I'd like to maintain my fitness and be injury and illness free in order to have a pop at a 3:30 marathon in Spring 2013. Losing 1 or 2 stone will help... Contributing to D88's races in ELVIS & Cross Country...

6) Who influences and inspires you?
My wife Caroline influences and inspires me... As do my fellow D88 runners... On a less personal level, reading about other people (runners & non runners) who have overcome adverse circumstances to achieve their goals... Anything's possible...

7) Do you have any tips for your fellow runners?
Go out too fast & hang on for dear life; unless it's a marathon. then slow for 1st 3 miles.. For men... Vaseline your bits...Save the booze for during (Paris Marathon) or after a race...Take some money for cake after races...DO NOT RUN WITH A POCKETFUL OF LOOSE CHANGE.

8) What is your favourite piece of running kit?
Favourite Kit - Dagenham 88 Running Vest...

9) What is your favourite training session?
My favourite training session is speed work; it really, really helps.

10) Is there anything you would like to see improved within the club?
In the club I would like to see: information about training sessions published in advance; Quiz Night!

11) Anything else you would like to say?
Digger-Dagger-Digger-Dagger! Oi! Oi! Oi!

Captain's Pick

Each month we will pick one member who we think deserves a special mention for their achievements. This month’s pick is a new member to Dagenham 88 Runners and is not doing things by halves!! Well actually she did and decided to wear the club vest for her first ever race at the Southend Half Marathon!!! Finishing in a great time of.......... 2hrs 45mns 12scs

This month’s pick is..............Jane Swanson-Sprent.

A very big well done and welcome to Jane.


A day after celebrating his birthday Dagenham 88 Runner Chris Donnellan had the honour and pleasure of carrying the Olympic Torch in Lewisham on Monday 23rd July 2012.

It was a great spectacle to see Chris carry the torch and he couldn't stop smiling and waving whilst running with the torch with his family, friends and running club there to support him :-)

You can watch the full footage online here :-)

Hopefully Chris will bring the Torch down to the club in the near future so we can all get a glimpse of it :-)

Well Done Chris

Saturday, 30 June 2012

Is this blog the Sam Monk Show!!!

Elvis is in the Building

Well the Elvis series started off at Eton Manor and the next 2 races followed in quick succession.....

Havering Midweek 5, with 34 D88's rolling up for the 5 mile 2 lap course.

Lots of new, old and familiar faces running and great to see some turn up to support :-)

Sam Monk winning a nice trophy again!!

Next was our own race D88 5mile 'ish or in our case 5.5 mile!!

Well done all volunteers and runners

Here we play spot the runner???? lol

Seriously well done everyone that has run so far, both the men & women's team are doing great in their respective league tables. So lets crack on to the next race which is the Ilford 5 on Wednesday 18th July at 7.30pm

Horndon 10k

Well a few 88s gathered for the Horndon on the bloody Hill 10k, weather couldn't make up its mind what it wanted to do, Ian had his Union Jack pants on again, I hope they get washed in-between races!! The first part of the race goes through the village and downhill for 1 mile, you then turn around and come straight back up!!! After that its a couple of loops with the fast buggers lapping you, well Nigel did anyway and he came 8th, so less chat to me next time Nigel and you could have got a place higher tut tut.

Sharon and Tracey had good runs :-)

Oops sorry wrong ones!!! Thats better :-)

Before the race started a few of the Elite 88s warmed up, Here is Sam Monk doing her stretches!!

Oops this is Sam :-)

Here we play spot the runner again!!!???

A great race was had by all but was worth waiting around for as Sam was 3rd placed female and won another trophy for her ever growing collection, Well done Champ :-)

July Babies

Jane Swanson-Sprent 9th

John Phillips 11th

Chris Donnellan 22nd

Laura Peskett 25th

 Samantha Monk 30th (ps i could have picked some right dodgy pix Sam lol)